
Horseshoeing Clinic

The owner of Wagon Mound, Bob!

John, talking with a fellow Horseshoer.

Just a few photos I took for fun!

I went to Solana, New Mexico this weekend to photograph Wagon Mound Ranch Supply and a horseshoeing clinic that took place there. The American Farriers Journal contacted John to write an article about it, and I was commisioned to take the photographs. The Ranch Supply store is located in the old school gym in Solana, built in 1911. It was beautiful! The Clinic took place in the old church, which was probably built around the same time. They were both restored and great to photograph! It was alot of fun and I got alot of good shots!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The picture of the pull-chain light is awesome, I guess thats the minimalist side of me showing up. Great pictures all around though!