
New things to come!!

Jessica Claire is an amazing photographer that I blogstaulk regularly and she recent did a little game like this, so I decided to jump on the wagon and create a little game of my own! Leave me a comment on what you think could possibly be in the picture. *Hint: it's is something brand new for next year!
Customers keep a lookout for new pricing in the new year. If you want to snag the price I have now, call me quick and schedule a session! 806-893-2363


The past week or so...

Okay, so I am offically bad at Scavenger Hunts! I really had alot fun getting to know the other blog hunters but I wish I had been a litle better at getting my images! But, these are the final photos I took! Hope everyone enjoys!
This is a photo I took of Jenna and my husband, John, while they were playin'!
John roping at the house!
My first Apple pie!!! Mmmmm!
The winter weather in the back yard!
Our christmas card!
Our latest photo....shot with the trusty self timer!
Well, this is what I have been doin lately. Not much of anything! Everyday my husband ask..."so...what are you going to do today?" And I respond, "Clean house and some photography stuff." His response, " Hahahaha!" So it's true, I have done nothing....and it's GREAT! But, I have to get back on track! So keep a look out for new things to come! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


Scavenger Hunt Troubles!

Okay, sorry to everyone who keeps checking to see what I have found for my scavenger hunt! I have been slacking! I have finals going on right now and have been doing lots reading and studing! But as of later this evening I will be taking my last final and will be back to my blogging self! So check back and see all the great images I will find!


Day 3!!!!

Well todays assignment was to find an orange sign. Okay, Okay...I know this is not technically a sign but it is a label and I this it acts as a sign of sorts!!! haha!!! I looked for signs all day today and this was my favorite! Hope you enjoy....=) Check out the others at:

Lauren Zaffos
Tana Huffman
Amy Blackburn
Jared Rey
Beth Daane
Renee Booe
Andria Fontenot

Scavenger Hunt...Day 2!

Okay, It's day two of the scavenger hunt! We had to find an ornament that represents us! Well....I thought and thought and decided on this one! It may not be that exciting at first glance, but when placed in the right light it shines! =)...get it? Basically, I am a simple girl who enjoys simple things, but every now and then I like to stand out! I also love the color red! Don't forget to check out the other photog's blogs for their finds. Their links are in the post below!


One Day Late!

Okay, I joined up with a few other photog's to do a scavenger hunt. It's alot of fun, but I am already slackin'! I am one day late with my entry....oh well...it's here and that's what matters!!! =) Our first mission was to find a colorful wall. Okay, now I know my find is not the most colorful to some....but I love it! The texture are great! Go check out the others blogs and see their finds! Happy Hunting everyone!


Christmas for Thanksgiving!

Kim and Caleb in the Snow!

Caleb showing Pop his new puzzle!

Learning how to do the splits!

Goldfish make you sleepy....right?
Wow, this Thanksgiving was so fun! I got to see my adorable little nephew, Caleb! He tries to repeat everything you say and runs around all the time. I just can't get enough of him! Since we aren't going to get to see him or my sis and her husband for Christmas we decided to go ahead and give him his presents early! John and I got him a tent and he lovvvvves it! Here are a few shoots of him discovering snow, opening presents, and having a little before bedtime fun and snacks! I am definitely THANKFUL!!!!



My husband, John, giving Jenna a ride.

John and Jenna!

Today I went to photograph my neice, Jenna, for Christmas pictures. My husband gave her a horse ride and she loved it. We had so much fun and she didn't want to stop riding.


Christmas Cards!

These are my lastest Christmas card Designs! I wanted to post these to remind everyone that Christmas is near and you need to place your orders quickly in order to get the cards in time for the holidays! Give me a call today to set up your Christmas session....$110 includes session fee, 50 cards and an 11 x14 print!

Winter Rodeo {Part 2}

Here are some pictures from the Rodeo last week. I didn't get that many good ones but I will try harder this next week, I was sitting with some friends and the conversation was just to good to be taking pictures!!! I did get this awesome shot of the heater. I know.....a heater? But I thought it was pretty cool.


Sarah & Jeff

I had so much fun photographing this couple last night. They were up for anything and we had some great locations mapped out. The trees are definately my new favorite spot. I need to get someone else out there before the leaves fall off! Mmmm.... I hope you guys enjoy your sneek peak!


Wood Family!!!

I photographed the Wood family tonight and had a blast! These kids were full of energy and it was great. Colt gave me all kinds of faces and Emily is just as sweet as she can be. I had so much fun with your family Amber and I hope you enjoy the sneek peak! Let me know what you think and leave a comment.