
Before & After!!

Okay...so a lot of photographers have been debating between Raw and JPegs! So...I thought I would give my 2 cents!! I shoot Raw. Basically, that is how I learned to shoot and it works for me. Sometimes I capture an amazing image that is underexposed and I love that I can save it in CR! These are a few shots that I though could show how you can alter an image first in Camera Raw then take it a little further in Photoshop. Let me know your opinions and advice.
THIS POST IS JUST FOR YOU MANDA!!! Hope you like it! haha!


Julie said...

Awesome! Thanks for the comparison.

Anonymous said...

It is about time for some updates!! ha-ha Thanks!

Renee Booe said...

Love this post. Its helpful to see what people are doing. I have a silly question... What is CR?

Melissa Regeon said...

What is CR...?

Melissa Regeon said...

I enjoyed this old post.Melissa