
{Senior} Jared

Jared is graduating from Texas Tech...well...today...since it is saturday already! He is actually a classmate of mine. We went out this past monday; the day the sky decided to open and bless us with 40 mph winds and blowing sand! Yes we were troopers and we toughed it out! We found corners and doorways to get it and walls to hide behind. I was so scared to look at these because I thought there would be a ton of shots with squinty eyes and hair standing on end, but something must have happen to my camera on the car ride home because as soon as I loaded these babies into my computer I was amazed. There are so many great shots! Yes...needless to say...there are several "windy" shots, but so many great ones! Congrats Jared...you got the bachelors...now off to get your masters!


Catie Ronquillo said...

Love the flare in the first photo! Great set!

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